Zalando says Britons buy premium, Irish love colour, Germans buy sneakers

The German fashion e-tailer offers over 300,000 products from almost 2,000 international brands, and it has more than 26 million active customers across 17 markets.In a display of its data-driven approach, the company has revealed the items that are most likely to land in customers’ Cyber Week shopping carts based on the year-round behaviour.คำพูดจาก Web Game Casino

It said black sneakers will become a bestseller in Germany, while open-toe-sandals dominate in Denmark. It’s all about activewear in the Netherlands and Spain, with Dutch shoppers likely to stock up on black leggings.Meanwhile, menswear outperforms womenswear in the Czech Republic, with branded underwear for men taking the lead as the most popular purchase. This compares with a wider trend of women’s categories shining brighter across all markets.Colourful items are more likely to succeed in Poland and Ireland, where shoppers will be fuelling demand for multi-coloured items.And finally, British consumers will be taking advantage of Cyber Week discounts to build their wardrobe with more premium items.When it comes to how and when people to shop, it seems Italians are more likely to make their purchases on the go and Czech prefer to use their laptopsคำพูดจาก Game Casino. The Czech Republic also stands out for being the only market where sales peak during lunch hours.

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